Blink Mini RE, Part 4 -- Staring into the heart of the binary
With pretty graphs in coincidentally non-binary colors!
Because I had the privilege of obtaining factory-fresh ROMs from the cameras (as covered in the last episode), I realized that I could use those to perform some deeper analysis of the ROM’s structure. So, that’s what this post will set out to do.
This post was made in a Jupyter Notebook!
Loading and visualizing the dumps
First, we will start out by loading the dumps into our environment.
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from os import PathLike
def read_flash_file(path: PathLike) -> np.array:
"""Loads a file as a numpy array of uint8s"""
with Path(path).open('rb') as f:
return np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)
flashes = Path('./flash-dumps')
# We will trim to 2 MiB because everything past that is 0xFF.
MIB = 1 << 20
old = read_flash_file(flashes / 'raw-flash.bin')[:2 * MIB] # The original image that I got
new1 = read_flash_file(flashes / 'new1.bin')[:2 * MIB]
new2 = read_flash_file(flashes / 'new2.bin')[:2 * MIB]
Now, it’s one thing to read bytes, but I personally find visualization a lot more useful. I’ll use a technique somewhat similar to to do this, but I’ll emulate it in Matplotlib.
import math
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
def mk_byteclass_cmap():
Inspired by the byteclass colormap.
- ZERO: 0
- LOW: [1, 31]
- ASCII: [32, 126]
- HIGH: [127, 254]
- FF: 255
base = cm.get_cmap('viridis', 256)
newcolors = base(np.linspace(0, 1, 256))
newcolors[0] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
newcolors[32:127] = [0, .2, 1, 1]
newcolors[255] = [1, 1, 1, 1]
return ListedColormap(newcolors)
byteclass_cmap = mk_byteclass_cmap()
def pad_to(b: np.array, length: int, pad_val = 0) -> np.array:
Pads an array to some length.
padding_length = length - len(b) # how much to pad by
return np.pad(b, (0, padding_length), constant_values=pad_val) # perform the padding
def plot_bin(b: np.array, *, ax=None, offset_tick_interval=128, line_tick_interval=128, binline_length=1024, **imshow_kwargs):
# Pad the binary to a multiple of the binline_length
padded_length = math.ceil(len(b) / binline_length) * binline_length # how long we want it to be
padded = pad_to(b, padded_length, 0)
# Turn the binary into a 2D image by reshaping it.
image = np.reshape(padded, (-1, binline_length)).T
# Assemble the kwargs, and plot the binary.
imshow_kwargs = {'cmap': byteclass_cmap, **imshow_kwargs}
plt.imshow(image, **imshow_kwargs)
plt.ylabel('Line offset')
# Formatting for the tickmarks.
def fmt_slice_index(x, p):
x = int(x) * binline_length
return f"{x:6x}"
def fmt_slice_offset(x, p):
x = int(x)
return f"{x:3x}"
axes = plt.gca()
_, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(20, 15))
for title, b, ax in zip(['Old', 'New1', 'New2'], [old, new1, new2], axs):
A couple of big things stand out right here:
- New1 and New2 look identical.
- Old’s first half is extremely similar to New1 and New2.
- There is a lot of complex data up until a certain point.
- Past
, it is entirely 0xFF except for a few small lines.
If you remember the A/B firmware update scheme from last post, it seems as though new firmwares only get one app image in the first half of the ROM. The old firmware was updated, so the second half is filled in with a newer firmware version.
Now, let’s perform some diffs to confirm our hypotheses.
Diffing New1 with New2
We’ll first look at the differences between the two factory-fresh images to see what kind of variation they have, if at all.
new1_d_new2 = (new1 != new2)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plot_bin(new1_d_new2, vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.title(r'New1 $\neq$ New2')
Between New1 and New2, all of the data looks identical except for a tiny sliver at the end. Let’s confirm this by listing all the differing bytes.
print(' # OFFSET N1 N2')
print('-- ------ -- --')
n = 0
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(new1, new2)):
if a == b:
print(f'{n:02} {i:06x} {a:02x} {b:02x}')
n += 1
-- ------ -- --
00 1f0013 46 42
01 1f0015 7c e8
02 1f0016 63 d8
03 1f0017 05 7e
04 1f0018 4a 62
05 1f0019 ca ef
06 1f001a 54 41
07 1f001b a7 02
08 1f001c e1 ff
09 1f001d 48 85
10 1f001e 67 63
11 1f001f 93 84
12 1f0020 46 8a
13 1f0021 a9 ce
14 1f0022 19 b6
15 1f0023 1c 92
16 1f0024 75 e6
17 1f0025 df dd
18 1f0026 8f 2a
19 1f0027 05 b9
20 1f0028 a3 25
21 1f0029 34 60
22 1f002a 4b 18
23 1f0034 38 39
24 1f0035 33 43
25 1f0036 46 37
26 1f0037 45 34
27 1f0054 38 42
28 1f0055 41 38
29 1f0056 46 42
30 1f0057 44 42
31 1f006c c1 a3
32 1f006d 54 75
33 1f006e 17 c2
34 1f006f e6 7e
The two binaries are almost entirely identical to each other, except for only a
few bytes after 0x1f0000
. That must be where the the device-specific
information region is stored, like the serial number or MAC.
That’s not the only device-specific information, because it seems that the old
value had a few more tiny strips of data, perhaps around 0x1c0000
Diffing Old with New
Since both of the new images are practically identical, I’ll just diff old with new1.
old_minus_new1 = old.copy()
old_minus_new1[new1 == old] = 0xff # clear similar bytes
_, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(20, 15))
for title, b, ax in zip(
['Old', r'Old - New1', 'New1'],
[old, old_minus_new1, new1],
Interestingly, the entire first half of the ROM looks the same! That would confirm the A/B software update hypothesis. Admittedly, I didn’t update the camera more than once, but it seems to be the case that it keeps the factory ROM.
However, this is just a visualization. Are they really completely identical up until that midpoint?
for ab_border, (n, o) in enumerate(zip(new1, old)):
if n != o:
print(f'{ab_border} = 0x{ab_border:x}')
898636 = 0xdb64c
Yes they are. So perhaps there might be a header before the first firmware, and that would mean the two headers are byte-identical too.
Isolating the A/B apps
The other really cool thing is that this diff reveals a way for us to possibly
isolate the firmware images. Let’s zoom in on that border region, and look at
the extent 0xdb000
to 0xdc000
to see what’s there.
_, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(20, 10))
for title, b, ax in zip(
['New1', r'Old', 'Old - New1'],
[new1[0xdb000:0xdc000], old[0xdb000: 0xdc000], old_minus_new1[0xdb000:0xdc000]],
plot_bin(b, offset_tick_interval=8, line_tick_interval=8, binline_length=32)
There appears to be some fascinating structure to the images, but it might not be captured by a visualization; let’s actually look at the bytes themselves.
from pprint import pprint
from hexdump import hexdump
prefix_of_b = old[ab_border:ab_border + 128]
(b'BUND\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\rU\xe0owl \x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x00'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x06 \x19\x03(\x00\x06\xd0\xe0\x00\x00\x04\xa4\x00\x00\x00\x08'
00000000: 42 55 4E 44 00 00 00 00 00 0D 55 E0 6F 77 6C 20 BUND......U.owl
00000010: 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000020: 00 00 00 01 00 09 00 4A 00 00 01 30 00 00 00 11 .......J...0....
00000030: 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 44 00 05 1B A8 ...........D....
00000040: 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 05 1C EC 00 00 4B D0 ..............K.
00000050: 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 05 68 BC 00 01 68 24 ..........h...h$
00000060: 00 00 00 06 20 19 03 28 00 06 D0 E0 00 00 04 A4 .... ..(........
00000070: 00 00 00 08 07 2D 62 76 00 06 D5 84 00 06 55 24 .....-bv......U$
What is BUND?
When I was poking around in Ghidra earlier, I believe I encountered that BUND thing, but way earlier in the image. It looks like a magic number. I also looked it up online and there were no relevant results for it.
Is there another occurrence of it in the image?
bund_magic = b'BUND\0\0\0\0\0\r'
# Is there an appearance of BUND between 0 and ab_border?
bund1_offset = bytes(new1).find(bund_magic)
bund1_offset, hex(bund1_offset)
(7168, '0x1c00')
# Is there an appearance of BUND *after* the one at ab_border?
bund_magic in bytes(new1)[bund1_offset + 1:]
So there is only one other BUND, it is close to the beginning of the image, and
it’s at a suspiciously round offset 0x1c00
. Let’s see what comes after it.
prefix_of_a = bytes(new1)[bund1_offset:bund1_offset + 128]
(b'BUND\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\r\x9aLowl \x00\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x00'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x06 \x19\x03(\x00\x07\x91\xe8\x00\x00\x04\xa4\x00\x00\x00\x08'
00000000: 42 55 4E 44 00 00 00 00 00 0D 9A 4C 6F 77 6C 20 BUND.......Lowl
00000010: 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000020: 00 00 00 01 00 09 00 24 00 00 01 30 00 00 00 18 .......$...0....
00000030: 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 48 00 05 D7 B0 ...........H....
00000040: 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 05 D8 F8 00 00 4C 00 ..............L.
00000050: 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 06 24 F8 00 01 6C F0 ..........$...l.
00000060: 00 00 00 06 20 19 03 28 00 07 91 E8 00 00 04 A4 .... ..(........
00000070: 00 00 00 08 07 45 98 50 00 07 96 8C 00 05 D8 86 .....E.P........
It looks like prefix_of_a
is almost identical to prefix_of_b
, which strongly
suggests that our BUND string is a magic number followed by a standard header
format. 'BUND\0\0\0\0\0\r'
must be the magic number for the firmware!
Carving out BUND A and BUND B
I’ll call our A/B apps BUNDs from now on because that’s what they start with and it’s easier to refer to them that way.
We’ll find the end of BUND B by searching backwards in the image for non-0xFF
values the way we did before, except we’ll start our search at 0x1c0000
that we don’t get the user data segments.
for i in range(0x1c0000, 0, -1):
if old[i] != 255:
end_of_b = i + 1
end_of_b, hex(end_of_b)
(1772588, '0x1b0c2c')
And now, we can easily carve out both BUNDs because we know the following things:
- BUND A starts at
- BUND B ends at
is the dividing line between BUND A and BUND B
bund_a = old[bund1_offset:ab_border]
bund_b = old[ab_border:end_of_b]
print(f'BUND A length = {len(bund_a)} = 0x{len(bund_a):x}')
print(f'BUND B length = {len(bund_b)} = 0x{len(bund_b):x}')
_, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(20, 10))
pad_len = 0xe0000
for title, b, ax in zip(
['BUND A', 'BUND B'],
[pad_to(bund_a, pad_len, 0xff), pad_to(bund_b, pad_len, 0xff)],
plot_bin(b, binline_length=512)
BUND A length = 891468 = 0xd9a4c
BUND B length = 873952 = 0xd55e0
We now have our two carved BUNDs! If we wanted to, we could dump them to a file like so.
with Path('flash-dumps/bund_a.bin').open('wb') as f:
with Path('flash-dumps/bund_b.bin').open('wb') as f:
Some observations:
- The two BUNDs are remarkably similar in terms of structure, which makes sense. You can see a lot of striping patterns in one that line up with the other’s.
- BUND A overall seems slightly longer than BUND B, even though BUND B is ostensibly newer than BUND A. They may have optimized their code. Who knows.
- The individual regions of A are not all longer than those in B.
It would be quite interesting to overlay this with Ghidra-decompiled data, but that might be something I do another time.
Simple diff of the BUNDs
This wasn’t very useful, but I’ll just leave this here for reference. A smarter diff, like the Unix one, would be much more useful because of the uneven regions of the firmware.
bund_a_pad, bund_b_pad = pad_to(bund_a, pad_len, 0xff), pad_to(bund_b, pad_len, 0xff)
bund_same = bund_a_pad.copy()
bund_same[bund_a_pad != bund_b_pad] = 0xff
bund_diff = bund_a_pad.copy()
bund_diff[bund_a_pad == bund_b_pad] = 0xff
ndiff = len(bund_a_pad[bund_a_pad != bund_b_pad])
print('Total bytes in BUND A:', len(bund_a))
print('Total bytes in BUND B:', len(bund_b))
print('Different bytes:', ndiff)
print('Same bytes:', len(bund_a) - ndiff)
print(f'{ndiff * 100 / len(bund_a):.04f}% difference')
_, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
for title, b, ax in zip(
['Same bytes', 'Different bytes'],
[bund_same, bund_diff],
plot_bin(b, binline_length=512)
Total bytes in BUND A: 891468
Total bytes in BUND B: 873952
Different bytes: 868827
Same bytes: 22641
97.4603% difference
OSINT of what the hell BUND means
I don’t know anything about German, but Google seems to, and they say that “bund” has the meaning of federation, union, alliance, with the implication that it is of a political nature. Examples might include Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundeswehr, or the German-American Bund that was for Nazi supporters.
I googled for stuff like “BUND file format” or “BUND magic number” but nothing
good came out of that, which implies that it’s probably a custom or proprietary
file format. Alternatively, it could be something stupid like an ELF but with
rather than \x7FELF
I suspected that it could be someone’s name, or multiple people’s names as an acronym, but I stalked the Linkedins of Immedia Semiconductor and Blink and didn’t find anything.
Conclusion and next steps
Also, I carved out two BUNDs from the firmware. That’s pretty good, and I can probably feed them into rbasefind for more accurate results.
A really exciting thing, though, is OFRAK, which will be released around DEFCON, and that will let me analyze this flash a lot deeper.
TL;DR: I made pretty graphs :3 and did some binary carving >:)