Why do I put stuff in monorepos?


Monorepos are great, and here’s why like to use them for my personal projects.

What is a monorepo?

If you have a project with multiple services, like a frontend and backend, you can either put them in separate Git repos, or put them in the same repo but in different folders. The source code for my website is an example of a monorepo with 6 subprojects (specifically, aay_tw_shortener/, astrid_tech_api/, astrid_tech_frontend/, content/, wm-receiver/, and scripts/)

❯ tree -aFL 1 astrid.tech
├── aay_tw_shortener/
├── astrid_tech_api/
├── astrid_tech_frontend/
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── content/
├── .git/
├── .gitattributes
├── .github/
├── .gitignore
├── lc.sh*
├── quickpost.sh*
├── README.md
├── scripts/
├── target/
└── wm-receiver/

9 directories, 8 files

Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Uber are some of the biggest monorepo users currently.

Why do this?

Less-cluttered Github account

At time of writing, my Github account has 75 repos of varying sizes. Using monorepos reduces the administrative overhead, and helps group related items together.

As an example, I have a monorepo called coursework, which contains (almost) all my coursework and notes since 2018. It’s private, so you can’t see it, but every class I’ve taken gets its own folder:

❯ tree -aFL 1 coursework
├── 2018-01_CSM-cpp-class/
├── 2018-08_CSM-data-structures/
├── 2019-09_CPE202/
├── 2020-01_CPE133/
├── 2020-01_STAT312/
├── 2020-04_CPE233/
├── 2020-04_CSC348/
├── 2020-04_EE143/
├── 2020-06_CPE357/
├── 2020-09_CSC572/
├── 2020-09_ENGL149/
├── 2020-09_PHYS132/
├── 2021-01_CPE333/
├── 2021-01_CSC307/
├── 2021-09_ANT202/
├── 2021-09_BIO213/
├── 2021-09_BMED213/
├── 2021-09_CSC349/
├── 2021-09_MATH335/
├── default.nix
├── .git/
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .gitmodules
├── Makefile
└── README.md

20 directories, 6 files

It’s a bit tedious to create a new repo for every class, and oftentimes, I will refer to coursework I’ve done in earlier years for my current coursework. Thus, this is a great solution for me.

Nicer to develop with

When making an app with multiple services (like a frontend, backend, another backend service…) there’s no getting around the fact that the backend and the frontend depend on each other a lot.

In the past, when I wrote Collision Zone, I had never written a project that used multiple programming languages or had multiple webservices.1 So, my first instinct was to use a polyrepo setup, where Node.js/TypeScript goes in one repo containing matchmaking code and frontend, and the C++ game server code goes in the other. However, what often ended up happening was that I would make a change to the protocol on one end, then change the protocol on the other end, so I ended up making 2 commits in different repos. It got very tedious very quickly. Additionally, my frontend and backend code would have also been at risk of becoming out-of-sync in terms of commits while deploying it. This was not something I actually encountered, but at some point it would have been likely to happen.

On the other hand, astrid.tech, the source code for this website, is a monorepo setup. If I decide I want to change my API, I change the backend and frontend in a single commit.

Additionally, with the coursework repo, there’s less copy-pasting of .gitignore and .gitattributes files. I can use the same ignores and LFS configs across all my classes.

When similar projects are too small to deserve their own repo

I have a memes repo, for my open-source memes:

❯ tree -aFL 1 memes
├── brain-meme/
├── disaster/
├── .git/
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── integer-bhj/
├── Makefile
├── ratjam/
└── README.md

5 directories, 5 files

Each meme is too small to deserve its own repo.

Slightly more useful, I have a Minecraft-Computers repo containing code for programming in-game ComputerCraft and OpenComputers computers:

❯ tree -F Minecraft-Computers
├── computercraft/
│   ├── password.lua*
│   └── reactor.lua*
└── opencomputers/
    ├── agricraft.lua*
    ├── deadreckoning.lua*
    ├── islandexp.lua*
    ├── oresort3.lua*
    ├── pidreactor.lua*
    ├── puredaisy.lua*
    ├── quarry.lua*
    └── reactor.lua*

2 directories, 10 files

You may notice that, at time of writing, this repo only has a single commit. That’s because before, they weren’t checked into Git, and I thought “yeah it’s too small for its own repo” and I ended up not versioning those files.

Okay, maybe both of those projects are kinda silly or not useful. This is my infra repo, which is essentially a big repo for any kind of configuration under the sun. It deploys this website as well as other services, and I’m even in the middle of merging my dotfiles into this repo, too.

❯ tree -FL 1 infra
├── ansible/
├── astral-cloud.code-workspace
├── dev-env/
├── docker-compose/
├── docs/
├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── home-manager/
├── images/
├── kubernetes/
├── marttab
├── nixos/
├── openwrt/
├── pull-dotfiles.sh*
├── README.md
├── scripts/
├── ssh_keys/
└── terraform/

This repo configures so many different kinds of services and apps, but oftentimes, individual services are too small to warrant their own individual repo. The Ansible playbooks are relatively distinct, but I definitely would not want to individually put them in their own repos.

Why not have one big union monorepo for everything, like Google does?

Unlike Google, I don’t consolidate all of my everything into one gigantic monorepo, but I do consolidate related items into topical or project monorepos. I guess the line is a bit hard to pin down, but if I’d consider them closely-related enough, then I would put them in a monorepo. For example, I wouldn’t put memes in the same repo as coursework. One is public and the other is private, plus there aren’t really cross-cutting concerns and I wouldn’t be using the files in memes for related activities in coursework. I wouldn’t put 2 completely different games in the same repo, either.

However, there is a good argument to be made for uniting the astrid.tech and infra repos. It turns out deployment is actually somewhat coupled with code, and I’ve found myself doing the same things I did with Collision Zone (make a change in one repo, make a related change in the other). However, I have them separate for now, because astrid.tech is sort of focused on code, while infra is sort of focused on configuration. Facebook internally has a similar split, with backend code in one repo and the deployment configurations in another. However, I believe the reason for that is more of a technical one: they haven’t developed Mercurial enough to handle having both in the same repo. If Mercurial could support it, they probably would do it.

  1. You can definitely see my inexperience in the architecture of that project. For example, I did have a SPA frontend, but then I had the Node.js server serving that instead of nginx. I also didn’t know anything about Docker (which is why the code no longer works if you run that repo).